Study skills are very important, when you put the core skills training necessary trained to class 2 or 3 and be able to use
basic equipment, you can start training the skills of the study. Although very important, but need not start from the first
day of study focused on the hard skills training, or study skills that are important than other skills, this is wrong. Study
skills are a long-term process, and now the pleasure to experience the most important game.
There are two different levels of study skills, basic and advanced. Training time, you have step by step. First you trained
the four basic skills, and then suspended for some time training in study skills. Cruiser you skilled at driving, and be able
to relax after the completion of two tasks, the majority of the skills you have been training a few weeks, and then spent a
month studying the advanced skills to rise to 3 or 4. Training to 5 on a bit more harm than good.
Training of these skills can accelerate the pace of training in other skills.
Skills in the name of - [per liter plus skill level] (example: four analytical thinking training intelligence +4)
Learn basic skills
Immediate memory training [+1 Memory]
Analytical thinking training [+1 Intelligence]
Ability to learn [all property +0.2]
Study Space Perception [+1 Perception force]
Willpower training [+1 perseverance]
Learn social skills [+1 charm]
Learn advanced skills
Advanced memory training [+1 Memory]
Logic theory [+1 Intelligence]
Clearly perceived strength training [+1 Perception force]
Post-secondary training yi [+1 perseverance]
Advanced social skills training [+1 charm]
Ability to study skills training should be the turn of the time, and give an example: the capacity of immediate memory
training -> analytical thinking training -> ability to learn -> real-time memory training -> analytical thinking training ->
to Mechanics, until all three skills to rise to 4. In addition you can train the next two or three of the skills. Study because
the skills are decided by the memory and intelligence, the property so the two can improve
Learn skills to accelerate the training speed.
Skills training for each type of speed is the main property and sub-property decision, the property can be through training
to improve study skills. From the list below, you can know what this property will enable the training
Types of skills faster.
Type of property skills
Legionella management memory, the charm
UAV memory, perceptual edge
Electronics intelligence, memory
Engineering intelligence, memory
Shooting perception study, and perseverance
Industrial memory, intelligence
Leaders learn perseverance, charm
Memory, learning ability, intelligence
Mechanical study of intelligence, memory
Perception missile force, perseverance
Navigation study the intellectual, power-aware
Scientific intelligence, memory
Sociology of the charm, intelligence
Study of space perception command ship, perseverance
Trade Study perseverance, charm / memory