And with a lot of casters having spell pen, including DKs, as a paladin my auras are feckless when dealing with this type of damage about wow gold.
We also cannot forget to talk about armor penetration. In early TBC armor pen could be used to mitigate a flat number of armor value. But that has changed and now armor pen can be used to mitigate a flat percentage of armor value. Sure, the change was good for light-armored classes, but would not the wiser decision have been to just remove armor pen and spell pen to get World of Warcraft Gold? Is it at all possible that un-mitigatable damage is one reason that damage is so ridiculously high, even in patch 3.2? Suggestion: make armor reduce spell damage taken by a small percentage based off of your armor value about wow gold. 3.2 has definitely been a good experience for me so far. I am very glad that damage did go down slightly and I am sure nobody can really complain with the decision by Blizzard to change resilience. However, after having my first real 3v3 arena session this patch a few days ago against Fnatics new lineup of Yog/Woundman/Douja, I was still a little bothered by what I was seeing. Yog played as destruction for a great deal of the 20 or so games we played, and I was shocked by the fact that my partners were still going down in the duration of one fear on me. Let us be serious here, one fear should not be enough to |