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All with different classes means they have their pick of the litter of geared OP classes prepared for any sweeping buff or nerf that may come to get cheap wow gold, at their disposal. As such, this feature is now going to do nothing but cause us to see the instant saturation of FOTM classes skyrocket after patches, which will then artificially inflate their respective representation which will THEN in turn cause those classes to be unjustly nerfed (think: Ret in 3.2) because of it.
"But Xaeranth, you mentioned that this benefits the Alliance more than Horde, how so?" This is because Alterac Valley seems to give much, much more XP than the other BGs and I think we all can agree that the AV map severely favors the Alliance about wow gold. This means that the legions of Alliance side hardcore arena motor head alts waiting in the wings are going to progress at a much, much faster rate than the Horde to get cheap World of Warcraft Gold, placing the Horde FOTMers impossibly behind in the XP in BGs arms race and at a severe competitive disadvantage.
Well, is not that some type of coincidence that they release this feature shortly before releasing paid faction transfers? Is this not enough evidence for you ignorant naysayers? Let us look at the exciting new BG that you downers have been slobbering over for the last week. After having measured the distances myself about wow gold, I can confirm that the Alliance has a ~2.6 yard distance advantage to the flag at the Hangar, which is the most powerful node to hold in the game for obvious reasons. This means that the legions of Alliance side hardcore arena motor head alts waiting in the wings are going to progress at a much, much faster rate than the Horde, placing the Horde FOTMers impossibly behind in the XP in BGs arms race and at a severe competitive disadvantage.WOW gold kaufen

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