We have some great news for those of you who have been patiently waiting for Teon and Franz to re-open for server transfers. We will be re-opening both Teon and Franz for transfers on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 12:00 PM Central Time (6:00 PM GMT+1). It's important to note that the number of available transfer slots will be limited each week, but this system will allow us to keep transfers to these servers open. Lineage II Adena is different from other game gold.
The process for transferring servers will be the same as before, but if all the slots have been taken for that particular week, you will not be able to select Teon or Franz, and will need to wait until the following week. The server transfer slots to Teon and Franz will reset every Tuesday after the regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. We cannot provide information regarding the exact number of slots because it may change from one week to the next. In the event that the number of available slots changes, it will be more transfer slots opening, not closing in Lineage II.
As a reminder, please review the Rules and Requirements on the Server Transfer Info Page. If you are in a unique situation where you wish to transfer to Teon or Franz, but cannot because of Hero status for the month, please contact our GM team through the "Ask a Question" link in the Support Center.