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WoW Gold-A Simple Fix That Would Go a Long Way for Battlegrounds
If WoW has one saving grace, it's the Arena. All balance issues aside, it has been one of the redeeming highlights of the entire game since season 1. PVE has its merits, but if the arena wasn't around for the average 6-8 month gap between instances being released, there would be a lot of issues. Blizzard has slowly but surely grinded out a system that is appealing to every single player out there, driven by hardcore PVE or not, and as they continue to move forward, they've promised newer and better ideas with each patch. Thankfully, along with progression usually comes improvement and reason to fork out 15+ dollars every month for a gold However I have my concerns that along with this progression, they're forgetting the roots and what specifically made the game so endearing in the first place to the earliest players - especially when it comes to battlegrounds and the initial PVP aspects of the game. Buying cheaper WoW Gold is not an easy job.
    For the old school WoW player, as can be seen by various forum posts etc. on the Blizzard forums, things have really deteriorated compared to when AB, WSG and AV were first introduced. Initially, these maps were a wonderful way to break up and compliment the already fun and momentarily exciting random world pvp. When competition began to rise and grudges became fierce, the strength and interaction of the community on every server was at a level that has, to this date, never been matched. Sometimes you'd run into issues with less populated servers or ones that were generally far too lopsided, so Blizzard released realm vs realm. This was seen as both a blessing and a curse at the same time. Obviously, shorter queue times would bring about consistent battles against a wider range of opponents, but this change also began the slow and unfortunately decline in quality of the communities on each server and increased the general level of idiots running around in each match based on the huge increase in numbers.
    Prerealm vs. realm you knew your team mates, and knew your opponents to the point where most players developed personal grudges and specific enemies with single persons. You had a level of respect in these matches to the point where if a team entered a match short-handed, their opponents would often halt their charge until the match was even. That is completely unheard of now.
    Amazingly enough, titles actually had more face value then. and seeing someone of high rank was much more impressive, ridiculous grind or gold Playing 24/7 and having people play for you if for whatever reason you couldn't, was a challenge of legendary proportions and has become a mere memory of some of the more exciting and rewarding aspects of this game. Reaching GM or HW and grasping your fingers around those weapons and armor for the first time gave a sense of accomplishment that at best, might be comparable to hitting the rating requirements for weapons in season 1 of the arena. As we know, the old system still had its problem in that it rewarded time over talent 90% of the time, but even with the grind, this sense of accomplishment has been responsible for many people wishing Blizzard to bring back a similar title system - albeit not the current arena setup, and with different mechanics.
    One of the most detrimental additions to the BG system was to display honor gained from kills and add it to the grand totals in matches. Before this change was made, more people were actively trying to participate and win the game as that yielded the best reward and the incentive to do so was actually gold This lead to huge issues with personal greed relative to players simply killing everything in sight knowing that even if they don't contribute or work as a team and their side fails, they still might end up leaving with more honor than the winning side.

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