It is more difficult to enhance shaman burst damage than that of paladin. Storm strike is Twenty-eight percent nature damage glyphed, haste from windfury + bloodlust and of course, purge against protection/freedom is superb synergy with rogue. Shaman may grow from the worst hybrid into the best, as elemental (more of a 5v5 spec); enhancement and restoration all have dominant comps in arena about cheap wow gold now. They are looking good with the huge 3.2 buffs. I wish I can try rogue/enhancement shaman/druid right now Serennia style, it is too bad Blizzard killed team hopping about cheap wow gold.
As regards DPS Warriors: when we received the tip, Matt Rossi noticed that Warriors seem to be missing from the DPS pie chart. There are 10 classes represented on the chart color-wise, but Warriors were accidentally left off the list to the right; they would have to be the light-blue share at the very top. Warriors is also a good choice for you to play in the game.